Bath Bomb Workshop Kit


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Our Bath Bomb Workshop Kit comes in 2 sizes. The smaller kit contains everything needed to make 3 bath bombs, which is what will be made during our workshop. The large kit contains everything needed to make 12 bath bombs, 4 times the workshop.

Small Kit

Contains the mixture for 3 bath bombs, a bath bomb mould, an essential oil with a dropper, a pair of gloves, a bag of flowers, instructions and a link to our workshop to be held live on December 30, 2020 at 7PM EST.

Large Kit

Contains the mixture for 12 bath bombs separated into 4 bags, a bath bomb mould, 4 essential oil with droppers, a pair of gloves, 4 bags of flowers, instructions and a link to our workshop to be held live on December 30, 2020 at 7PM EST.


Additional information


Small, Medium, Large

Essential oil

Lavender, Lemon, Pink Grapefruit, Sweet Orange


Chamomile, Corn Flower, Lavender, Rose


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